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Maharishi Aazaad The Ultimate Megastar Of World Spreads Sanskrit worldwide


Mumbai 20/10/20 :

Maharishi Aazaad The Ultimate Megastar Of The World

Maharishi Aazaad The Ultimate Megastar Of World started a Mission of Development of Sanskrit Language not only in India but all over the world, by creating the First Mainstream Sanskrit film AHAM BRAHMASMI of the world, to bring and spread the Brahmavakya of the Vedas. The Ultimate Megastar of World Maharishi Aazaad Is Protecting, Projecting, Promoting, Rejuvenating the Divine Language Sanskrit along with Ancient Literature and Culture of the World through cinematic creation.

Maharishi Aazaad The Ultimate Megastar Of World

Maharishi Aazaad created history by making the Grand Movie Aham Brahmasmi. This Mission received a tremendous response of people more than his expectations, many schools have started incorporating Sanskrit languages in many States of India. Maharishi Aazaad made a completely new orientation of Sanskrit language. This mission has successfully influenced and reached from villages to cities.

Maharishi Aazaad The Ultimate Megastar Of World At Cadbury World Birmingham, UK

Maharishi Aazaad went to European countries to Expand his Movement on developing the Sanskrit language in many parts of the world. Maharishi Aazaad thanks, everyone who contributed with him in his mission to reach across the borders.

In this Mission of development of Sanskrit language, many people contributed especially Howard University, Cambridge University, Oxford University, Samskrita Bharati, Rashtriya Sanskrit Sansthan, Sampurnanand Sanskrit University, JNU and Kashi Vidyapeeth.

Maharishi Aazaad states that he is very happy as Sanskrit has got resurrected in every corner of India.

Mega Movie Aham Brahmasmi

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