Core exercise makes you more strong, Says Megastar Maharishi Aazaad
Core exercises can make you stronger. It strengthen and condition the deep trunk muscles that stabilize the spine, and also improve balance and flexibility. A strong core is important for most sports and other physical activities.
Maharishi Is Protecting, Projecting, Promoting, Rejuvenating the Divine Language Sanskrit, Indianism & Ancient Literature through cinematic creation worldwide.
Maharishi Made the First Mainstream Sanskrit film of the world AHAM BRAHMASMI to spread the Brahmavakya of the Vedas to every corner of the world.

The Ultimate Megastar Of The World, International Ambassador Of Sanskrit & Sanskrit Mahanayak is the only filmmaker in the World who is making movies in multiple languages in the world with a noble purpose to unite the whole world through Art, culture, literature & cinematic creation with his cinematic talent.
संस्कृतं विश्वस्य सर्वोत्तमा सम्पूर्णा च भाषास्ति, महर्षि आजादः!
संस्कृत विश्व की सर्वोत्तम व संपूर्ण भाषा है, महर्षि आज़ाद !

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